Control system for led lighting. OpINLUX® is a new Electronic Module that enables the interfacing of EuLux LED lamp bodies to systems designed for remote control and remote management in the field of street lighting.

  • Tipology

    Advanced dimming systems

  • Category

    Power Units & Accessories

Open Project
Technical features

Control system for led lighting.


With the Op-INLUX light management system from EULUX, it is possible to modulate the luminous flux of an LED luminaire in three different ways by acting on a single terminal.
The Op-INLUX can be integrated into the power supply of all Eulux lighting products upon request.

Op-INLUX® is an interface module that is housed in a special slot in Eulux power supplies, thus equipping the luminaire with dimming functions. These functions are available on a single additional output lead.

Technical Specifications

1) PWM digital modulation: 10V amplitude, 100Hz-3kHz frequency;
2) Analog modulation via voltage 1-10V:1=Min level*, 10=Max level;

      * Minimum Level= minimum power value allowed by the driver

3) Analog modulation: 500/N kOHM logarithmic potentiometer *

*N = nr. Luminaires connected in parallel on the same potentiometer.

Please note: It is the customer's obligation to ask the company when ordering the minimum power levels that the luminaire can
reach as it depends on the driver used and the rated power of the luminaire.
EULUX SpA accepts no responsibility for misinterpretations of these levels.

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